Caring for My Sick Goat: Abdominal Troubles

Signs of Trouble Recently, my Nigerian Dwarf Goat (~75lbs) experienced a severe abdominal issue. He started making whimpering sounds and refused to get up. His symptoms throughout his ailment, included, bloat, straining, scrunching his back, heavy breathing, no urination or defecation, laying down 24/7 with occasional thrashing, and squinting his eyes shut. The hard part … Read more

Guide To Goat Life

Considering getting goats? They can be super fun, but if you don’t know what to expect, they can quickly become a big regret. I went back and forth on how I felt about mine, but now that they are settled in, they are fun and relatively easy to keep. You’ll either love them or hate … Read more

Five Home Remedies for our Feathery Friends

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Google always makes you think your chicken is dying. Here is what’s really going on. It is hard to diagnose a chicken because there aren’t chicken vets! My home treatments don’t fix a specific “deadly” disease, they help to prevent common problems. I hope this article will make your worry time a little less, with … Read more